The International Federation of Social Workers is delighted to announce that the 2016 Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development will be held in Seoul, Korea.
Earlier this month representatives from IFSW, IASSW and ICSW met with our respective Korean members in Seoul: The Korea Association of Social Workers (KASW), The Korean Council on Social Welfare Education (KCSWE), The Korea National Council on Social Welfare (KNCSW) and the Seoul Welfare Foundation (SWF) to formalise the agreement that the 2016 Joint World Conference Social Work, Education and Social Development will be held in Seoul, Korea.
IFSW Secretary-General Dr Rory Truell said, ‘This will be an excellent conference, the Korean host organisations are very passionate and committed to ensure that all participants will have the opportunity engage, learn and be a part of shaping the future of social work’.
The 2016 World Conference will also report and reflect on the two years (2014-2016) of work on second theme of The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: ‘Promoting the dignity and worth of peoples’.
This report will follow the first Global Agenda report, which will be launched at the forthcoming 2014 World Conference on 9-12th July in Melbourne on ‘Promoting social and economic equalities’.
Dr Truell said, ‘At the global an regional levels we are really seeing high levels of cooperation and coordination and the development of strong social work messages that are impacting on worldwide and national political structures. Social Work continues to rise to the challenges to of globalisation with social work perspectives and social work solutions’.
The International Federation of Social Workers formally expresses it thanks the Korean hosts for the enormous work in preparing for this worldwide social work event.
For the English website of The Korea Association of Social Workers click here.
For more information about the 2014 World Conference, click here.
For more information about the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development, click here.