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2020-11-26 Abstracts 2020 IFSW Conference Final
World leaders and global social change-makers will make inspirational and challenging contributions charting how the social work profession can heighten dignity, tolerance and social justice. Each plenary session will be followed by a comments section where conference participants will be able to ask questions and make comments throughout the conference.
All contributions will contribute to The Global Social Work Agenda 2020–30.
Join this live panel session on the 2020 to 2030 global agenda themes to shape the global future of the Social Work Profession. There will be 5-panel discussions each one comprising panels members from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latina America and North America.
This is an opportunity to hear the proposed and challenges from social work colleagues of those regions. Conference participants from any region can participate in the panel by asking questions and providing their reflections on the new Global Agenda for Social work.
These discussions will be led by expert panel members who will test their ideas about the future role of social work with conference participants. Each panel session will be followed by a comments section where participants will be able to interact with the presenters, ask questions and make comments throughout the conference.
These discussions will contribute to the Global Agenda 2020–30 outcomes statement.
Facilitated workshops will enable participants the opportunity to explore and reflect on global challenges and social work responses in creating solutions. Each workshop will have a comments section that will provide participants with opportunities to advocate for what should be included in the Global Agenda for Social Work 2020–30.
Each of these facilitated sessions will be submitted to contribute to The Global Social Work Agenda 2020–30. These 30 minutes presentations will allow participants to learn of other’s experiences in establishing social work solutions and the impact this has had on communities and society.
These presentations are an opportunity to make an inspirational presentation from the heart, beliefs and experiences of the speaker. All contributions from these sessions will also inform the Global Agenda 2020–30 process.
Indigenous people from around the world will host sessions promoting indigenous culture and knowledge. The sessions will reflect on how traditional wisdom can contribute to the social work profession. All conference participants are welcome. Findings from these sessions will also inform the Global Agenda 2020–30 process.
Throughout the conference, sessions will be led by people with lived experience and/or social work service-users. These sessions will ensure that the voices and aspirations of the people who use social work services are included in the setting of the social work agenda.
Many people in social work have written extensively about the profession and its application of practice. Special sessions will allow authors to present their books. Join them and find out about the challenges and solutions they have proposed.
All posters will be recorded and used in the Agenda setting process.
This session is a meeting point to ensure that the voice of all the participants of the conference will be included in the setting of the 2020 to 2030 Global social Work Agenda.
Everyday conference participants can provide their reflections, feedback and ideas based on what they have heard, the presentations they have seen, and their life experience. All of the comments contributed to the Open Mike Session will directly form a part of the consultation in setting the 2020 to 2030 Global Agenda for Social Work.
IFSW Friends are welcome to join the IFSW President, Secretary-General and Regional representatives to meet informally, have fun together and acknowledge the way that funds produced by IFSW Friends have furthered the social work profession.
Silvana Martinez
Rory Truell
Linda Kreitzer
Jan Christianson-Wood
Larry Alicea Rodríguez
Lola Casal-Sánchez
Pascal Rudin