Constitution and by laws (adopted 2016)
- Constitution of The International Federation Of Social Workers
- By-Laws to the Articles of the International Federation of Social Workers
- Constitución de la Federación Internacional De Trabajadores Sociales (FITS)
- Estatutos A Los Artículos de la Federación Internacional De Trabajadores Sociales
- Constitution De La Fédération Internationale Des Travailleurs Sociaux
- Règlements pour les articles de la Fédération Internationale des travailleurs sociaux
The Executive Committee is elected by full members at General Meeting held every two years, for 4-year terms, unless they are filling a position that has been vacated early by another member. The Executive Committee comprises one Global President, one Treasurer and one Regional President and Regional Vice President for each of the 5 regions.
European Region
Dr. Ruth Allen
Regional President
Andreas Pedersen Kikvik
Regional Vice President