Dear IFSW Global and IFSW Europe,
I write from Italy where there is a very dramatic situation: A shortage of essential life-saving medical and hygiene supplies. Now in Italy, and in particular in the North of Italy, essential live-saving respirators and hygiene items, such as masks and gloves, are no longer obtainable.
The Italy government is trying to buy these essential medical products, but the other country will not sell to Italy.
Italy needs your support!! Now in Italy the number of peoples infected and the death rate has exceeded China.
Please IFSW and IFSW Europe advocate directly with your governments for the release of medical supplies to be released to Italy. Lives are dependant on your governments’ willingness to cooperate
The email to contact Aifa or the region Government most affected are:
Thank you for,
Paola Pontarollo
IFSW European President, Ana Radulescu and Secretary-General, Rory Truell issued a joint statement,
“This is a time for global solidarity. The international social work profession has acted a model of working as one, sharing information and resources as it plays an essential role in supporting the social responses. Governments must also act in building solidarity and supporting other countries with medical supplies. We fully endorse and support the call from the Italian Association of Social Workers. Unity and solidarity are the most essential tools to defeat this virus”.