Maria Moritz the organiser of the Refugee Ticker reports on progress:
Exactly one year ago the Refugee Ticker on ifsw.org has been launched.
Since this Sept 15 in 2015 407 posts have been published and 56 friends of IFSW have signed up and subscribed to regularly receive the posts by email. But many, many more interested colleagues and social workers world wide have viewed the posts, altogether 15 237 hits.
This is a great success and I want to thank you all for your interest and long lasting truth to the subject.
Media are full of reports about the „refugee crisis“ and many of you do hear and read quite enough about it all. Still I am trying to raise vigilance and consciousness for the special aspects social work has on the topic. More and more the human rights aspect became crucial during the last months, especially in the situation that the „welcome mood“ has vanished and the long term topic, how to manage integration of all the oncoming people with fully respecting human rights, finding humane solutions to the numerous daily problems, how communities can be supported and refugees respected, is now in the foreground.
Introducing myself: the pseudonym mmcovienna stands for Maria Moritz, retired social worker, living in Vienna, Austria, previous executive in IFSW-Europe and Member at Large for Europe until 2014, still active as representative for IFSW at the UN in Vienna and for CoNGO – the Conference of NGOs at the United Nations.
Now celebrating the first anniversary makes me proud and thankful, but sorry to say, also very worried about the current situation concerning the future and the developments for refugees, for the ones that already arrived, the ones being on their way with all the dangers and the many, many starting the dangerous journey in the future, because of the continuing disasters in their home countries.
I will continue to post for the IFSW Refugee Ticker and invite you all to give me feedback and send me information about the situation in your country and about your projects and support for refugees!
With best regards and best wishes for your daily tasks
Maria Moritz – mmcovienna
Wien, Sept. 15, 2016
Link to IFSW Statement: Social Work Responding to The Political Crisis Forcing People into Displacement and Refugee Status