Dear IFSW Members, Friends and Supporters
As you are aware the current and third theme of the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development is: “Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability”.
The four Agenda themes where set in 2010 by 3000 social work representatives to take the profession forward to address the causes of global, regional and national problems. The first theme on ‘Social and Economic Equality’, the next on the need to realize ‘The Dignity and Worth of all Peoples’, and this: ‘Community and Environmental Sustainability’ continue to be prioritized by the social work profession as essential measures for preventing wars, displacement and creating the conditions of a sustainable future for all.
“Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability” is an important topic for the social work profession and there are many practitioners and educators worldwide facilitating and working within communities to highlight and create action to enhance and or protect the environment in which the communities live.
IFSW is looking forward to being able to publish examples of social work practice, approaches and models that illustrate this theme. We aim to launch the first series of these examples on World Social Work Day 2017, March 21st through the Online Social Work Bookshop.
The book will be a resource the global audience of social work practitioners, students, and educators. It will include contributions from social workers from all regions in the world, examining the social work contributions to sustainability and ecological justice. The book aims to elevate the knowledge base and engagement of the broader profession around this critical area of practice, theory, and research. Formatted as a workbook, this resource will include stand-alone case studies, activities, and exercises ready-made for use in the classroom and/or practice setting.
If you are interested in contributing to this edition or future editions of the book, please contact the co-editors by January 6th (Michaela Rinkel at or Meredith Powers at )
The editors also want to offer an invitation all social workers to join the growing virtual, global Collaborative Network on this third Global Agenda theme. The Green-EcoSocial Work Network is an international, collaborative network for sharing ideas, resources, asking questions, and building solidarity around ways to address sustainability and ecological justice issues within our profession. To join, please contact the group’s administrator: Meredith C. F. Powers at