The following statement was issued on Friday 15 August by the Canadian Association of Social Workers with comments by Morel Caisse, CASW President and IFSW President for North America.
The roots of the social work profession are grounded in the principles of peace, social justice and the dignity and worth of all peoples. Social work principles also include capacity building, social and economic equality and social protection, as peaceful solutions should be about gains and developments as well as the inevitable compromises.
At this time in history, the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) joins the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) in pleading for Israelis and Palestinians alike to transform these principles into actions and outcomes that would lead to a positive and peaceful future.
“Inevitable compromises are required on all sides to move forward any conflict to peaceful solutions” states CASW President Morel Caisse. “We add our voice to the global social work community in calling for peaceful coexistence between two viable, independent states which can be achieved with agreed-upon borders for both Israel and Palestine.”
Social work values emphasise the centrality of the dignity and worth of all peoples. As with IFSW, CASW recognizes many voices within Israel and Palestine are seeking to apply these values to find an end to this conflict. The international community can assist through diplomacy in helping regional transformation as well as in providing aid to move towards a future where Israelis and Palestinians live as equals.
“For our part, CASW encourages Canada to show its commitment to peace and reconciliation by pledging our country’s support and assistance with the difficult task of reconstruction in Gaza” states Caisse.
See the statement on the CASW website here.