IFSW is delighted to share the opportunity presented by the 2024 National Branches of the Council of International Fellowship (CIF) to go abroad and connect with social workers from across the globe. During the General Meeting in 2022, CIF has been awarded the highest honour of our Federation – the Andrew Mouravieff-Apostol Medal.
In 2024 National Branches of the Council of International Fellowship offer International Professional Exchange Programs (IPEPs) in countries such as Argentina, Austria, Finland, Germany, India, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and others.
An IPEP provides the opportunity for professionals of social work, social welfare and human services related fields to visit another country and meet with fellow professionals from around the world. It offers to both young and experienced professionals an opportunity for professional, cultural and social exchange, within a unique experience, which places a special emphasis on supporting mutual respect for cultures. An IPEP combines giving practical experience of and theoretical information about the social and cultural environment of the host country.
The length of an IPEP is a minimum of two weeks; and the number of participants is a minimum of three, preferably from different countries. There are programs in English, French and Spanish. In special situations a degree of financial support for participation is possible.
A typical IPEP involves:
- Professional exchange within the IPEP group – each participant brings his/her personal expertise and knowledge to discussions,
- Introduction to CIF International and its activities around the world,
- Orientation to the local and regional cultural-social-political and organisational structures, and specific introduction to the current social services system in the host country,
- Theoretical and practical experience in observing social workers and other related professionals in carefully chosen agencies and organisations. In IPEPs which require local language skills from participants, the agency experience might be one of direct contact with clients in the participant’s field of expertise. In IPEPs without the local language requirement, agency visits are an observation and discussion opportunity with agency personnel, rather than enabling participants to have direct contact with clients.
- Living in the homes of volunteer host families,
- Social and cultural group activities during the IPEP.
For more information and details of the application process please visit: www.cifinternational.com/programs