flyer_MiniCourse Continuous Professional Development (CPD) International Short Course
by the Social Services in the Context of Conflict Network
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Educating for Peace – Social Work in the Context of War and Conflict
This 6-week CPD Short Course critically explores different dimensions of social work in the context of conflict. Transitions from conflict to war and vice versa are socially and politically multifaceted. Social Services and social work practitioners are among the first to be involved in the provision of humanitarian support to affected communities. However, the role of social work in this context is diverse and yet to be determined. The Course will be delivered by a group of international academics with extensive research and practice experience in the context of conflict.
The Course consists of six weekly sessions (see programme)
The Course is accessible for free. No registration required for people who want to attend. Registration is only required when participants expect to receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Certificates of Attendance are issued to participants who a) have registered and b) attended at least six sessions.
Website: CPD Course
Zoom Link: Zoom
Registration: Register
Educating for Peace – Social Work in the Context of War and Conflict
This series will present the latest research on social work in the context of conflict, bringing together international researchers, practitioners, and people with lived experience.
Please register via Eventbrite (registration links included above) to participate and aim to attend all seminar sessions. All sessions will be held via Zoom, with relevant links circulated to the registered participants. Beyond presentations, these online sessions will include opportunities for joint reflection and discussion. Instead of payment, we encourage you to donate to the charities linked to each session, which aim to support people affected by violence across the globe.
It is organised by social work academics who have themselves experienced political conflict, as well as practised and conducted research in the context of political conflict. The CPD seminar series is supported by IFSW Education Commission and organised as a collaboration between the Centre for Social Work Innovation and Research, University of Sussex (United Kingdom), Centre for Study of Social and Humanitarian Crises, University of West Attica (Greece), University of Essex (United Kingdom), Queen’s University Belfast (United Kingdom), UCD Dublin (Ireland), Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and University of Nicosia (Cyprus).
Module co- Convenors: Reima Ana Maglajlic and Professor Vasilios Ioakimidis
Session 1: 30th of March 2022, 17:30– 18:45 UK time
Social work during political conflict
Dr. Rory Truell
Dr. Ricardo Chaparro-Pacheco, Social Work Practice during the prolonged conflict in Colombia.
Dr May Nasrawy – Impact of prolonged conflict on the wellbeing young Palestinian and Arab Jerusalemites
Session 1 materials: VIDEO
Session 2: 5th of April 2022 17:30 – 18:45 UK Time
Working with refugees and displaced populations
Dr Muireann Ní Raghallaigh, The social care needs of refugee families in Europe: the Irish experience
Hummingbird Young Leaders (young refugees involved in activism for refugee rights)
Professor Nicos Trimikliniotis, Working with refugees; building solidarity through action based social work.
Session 2 materials:
Session 3: 12th of April 2022 17:30 – 18:45 UK Time
Post-war reconstruction and transitions to peace
Dr Reima Maglajlic, – ‘Madness after the war’ – (co-produced study on distress caused by political conflict in BiH)_
Professor Jim Campbell and Dr Joe Duffy, Overcoming barriers and challenges to reconciliation in Northern Ireland; a social work approach.
Session 3 materials: VIDEO
Session 4: 19th of April 2022 – 17:30 – 18:45 UK Time
Peace-building, reconciliation and social work
Professor Vasilios Ioakimidis and United Cyprus Social Work Platform, Educating for Peace; overcoming the physical, ethnic and political barriers in Cyprus.
Dr Sanela Basic, Justice, Reconciliation and Peace Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Session 4 recording: VIDEO
Session 5: 26th of April- 17:30- 18:45 UK Time
Listening to the ‘voices less heard’ in the context of conflict.
Working with Child Soldiers in Africa (Monica and Hillary)
Exploring the gender related impact of war and political conflict Prof. Dr Cinur Ghaderi
(De)coloniality and social work in Nepal. Dr Raj Yadav
Session 5 recording: VIDEO
Session 6: 3rd of May- 17:30- 18:45 UK Time
International organisations, global partnerships and the social work contribution to sustainable peace.
Ana Radulescu, IFSW Europe, The importance of international collaborations in supporting vulnerable people fleeing war.
Representative from UNICEF (TBC)