A memorial service was held for Conny Nxumalo, Deputy Director-General of Welfare Services in South Africa this week. Ms Nxumalo, a social worker, sadly passed away as a result of Covid-19.
The following message from IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell, was read at the memorial service:
The International Federation of Social Workers sends it condolences to the social workers and people of South Africa at the passing of Deputy Director-General, Welfare Services, Ms Conny Nxumalo.
Ms Nxumalo was greatly loved by the social work community in South Africa and beyond. Her championing of child protection and commitment to stop violence against women acted as a role model for governments around the globe. The lives of many people are better because of Conny Nxumalo, the profession of social work is stronger because of Conny Nxumalo. Her life, her courage and wisdom act now as a call for action for each of us to continue her work and fulfil her legacy and vision.
We are all gifted with strength that Ms. Nxumalo has left us. We thank her.
While you morn her passing in South Africa today, the international social work community also honors her life’s contributions with you.
Blessings to her family, her colleagues and to the people of South Africa.
For more information on Ms Nxumalo and the Memorial Service.