The IFSW Secretariat has the great pleasure to announce that we have three new members!
By Postal Ballot IFSW members have voted in:
- Σύνδεσμος Κοινωνικών Λειτουργών Ελλάδος (The Hellenic Association of Social Workers) (Greece).
- Association Haitienne des Travailleurs Sociaux (Haitian Association of Social Workers).
- Asociación de Trabajadores Sociales de Panamá (Panama Association of Social Workers).
The Secretariat wishes to thank all the members that participated in the election. IFSW President Ruth Stark said, ‘IFSW is growing and rapidly attracting new country-level members as the profession has stepped-up to face the challenges caused by global inequality. I congratulate and welcome our new members and look forward to meeting them at our next General Meeting in Korea next year’, she said.
IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell said, ‘The global social work profession continues to rise to a new levels of cooperation and solidarity. Two new members for the Latin American and Caribbean Region, and another from the austerity affected southern Europe will bring new, rich experiences and insights to both the regions and to global IFSW. We extend a heartfelt welcome and congratulate them on achieving full membership’.