IFSW activity is being showcased in a number of activities at the world conference on social work and social development in Hong Kong.
All the pre-conference seminars were sold-out, with packed and engaged participants.
The IFSW and IASSW joint committee on ethics led a discussion forum on the consultation on ethical principles. This has been running for 4 years and will result in a debate and discussion at the IFSW and IASSW General Meetings in the days after the conference in Hong Kong.
The IFSW and IASSW joint committee on human rights presented the new human rights website, with practical information on the links between social work practice and human rights.
The Human Rights committee also supported a workshop on birth registration. This recognised the reality that thousands of children are born but never formally registered. This can mean that they are never able to attend school, receive health care and receive passports or identity documents. They are in effect excluded from social development. This is a fundamental issue of human rights.
In a consultative workshop on the review of the definition of social work, IFSW President for Europe, Nicolai Paulsen, together with IASSW representative Professor Peta-Anne Baker, presented an overview of the consultation on the review of the definition. It seems clear that further time will be needed to conclude this consultation, which has attracted lively debate.
IFSW played a key role in facilitating a conference workshop in Spanish. This was moderated by IFSW President for Latin America and the Caribbean, Laura Acotto.
All these issues will be debated and decisions made at the IFSW General Meeting in Hong Kong 14-16 June 2010.
IFSW is the global federation of national social work organisations in more than 80 countries representing over 700,000 social workers. IFSW has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is also accredited to the International Labour Organization, UNICEF and the Council of Europe. IFSW is a UN Habitat partner organisation.
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