The International Federation of Social Workers- Africa Region joins the rest of the World in commemorating the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, whose theme is:
“Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” Gender based violence (GBV) is a global phenomenon that strips survivors of their dignity and rights.
As the whole world was subjected to severe lockdown measures introduced in order to curb the COVID-19 pandemic, with school going children and their parents staying home. We heard of many alarming reports about violence against women and children. The prevailing culture of impunity in terms of violence against women and children in the face of COVID-19, threatens the progress achieved towards gender equality and ending violence against women and girls. We note that even before COVID-19, violence against women and girls was one of the most widespread violations of human rights, especially in Africa.
IFSW Africa Region is calling upon all social workers to engage in decisive actions in response to this unprecedented social problem. We call upon all of you to lend your voices for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence TO BE the change we want to see as well as to advocate for the change we desire. Let us all demand for a reset in the situation of women and children and contribute to building a future without violence for all women and girls. It is therefore the responsibility of social workers including those in Africa to stand up against Gender Based Violence.
Let us join our hands and paint the whole World Orange with our stance to end Gender-Based Violence.
Download the concept note with planned activities here.
Noel Muridzo
lFSW Africa Region President
Joachim Cuthbert Mumba
IFSW Africa Region Vice President