Message from IFSW Asia Pacific President:
As we prepare for our participation in the IFSW 2020 General Meeting and Conference, I am mindful of how much things have changed for us all in a few short months and am in awe as to how the profession of social work has responded to the challenges we have all faced. The world we knew at the time of our last IFSW gathering in Dublin and our Asia Pacific gathering in Bengaluru has forever changed. Social work has shown itself to be truly innovative and flexible be that adapting the way we work with the people in our communities, adapting the way we have used teaching modalities with our students or adapting the way social service providers have enabled social services to continue being delivered. I acknowledge all of the work social workers have and continue to do in the response to Covid 19 and I especially thank all of you who have generously shared ideas and resources across the globe to help each other in this work. The support and solidarity that has been shown around the world across the profession of social work has been inspirational and hugely valued.
The General Meeting 2020 will be a very different experience for us all and whilst this may provide some challenges as we adjust to using the technology and grapple with differing time zones, at the same time it provides us with unique opportunities for greater inclusiveness of our members who have been unable in the past to participate in these events. I look forward to embracing these opportunities and to ‘meeting’ you all virtually during July. Thank you for your continued support locally, regionally and globally.
Warm wishes, Rose Henderson, IFSW AP President.
To read the full July 2020 IFSW Asia Pacific Newsletter: Click here>>