IFSW is proud to share the details of the parallel event for the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, titled Transformative Gender-Responsive Social Protections in an Eco-Social World. The purpose of the event, held on Thursday, March 14, 2024, was to highlight the themes of the IFSW statement and recommendations to the Commission on the status of Women 68th session.
Event speakers included esteemed social work professionals and specialists Jaimie Worker, Caring Across Generations, Vanessa Bransburg, Democracy at Work, Ausirys Alviz, DSW student Monmouth University, and Maria Panjoj Salvador, A Better Life Guatemala. Speakers generously shared their expertise and insights on the pressing goal of accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective, co-aligned with the People’s Charter.
All four speakers are creating transformative gender-responsive social protections by building care infrastructure in a variety of ways–through policy and community organizing to worker’s cooperatives that ensure workers’ rights and economic empowerment, to key programs, to supporting and amplifying the voices of marginalized women to access decision-making and political power. Each speaker emphasized the importance of community and self-determination and reminded the audience of the compelling and inspirational work that is being done on the ground.
Attendees from all over the world engaged in meaningful dialogue on how to accelerate the achievement of gender equality for women.
IFSW invites social workers, policymakers, academics, and advocates for social and environmental justice to view the recording of this side event and contribute to the global movement toward a more equitable and sustainable future: https://fordham.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=087d43af-8f55-4d7d-8e90-b133013828bd