IFSW Europe e.V., International Federation of Social Workers European Region, has the pleasure of inviting social workers to participate in the IFSW European Conference & Social Services Expo 2015, which will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland from 6 to 9 September 2015.
The Conference will bring together social workers from the fields of intervention and professional practice, policy making and research, and provide an opportunity for social workers to share their experiences, common problems and strategies at the European level.
The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) is hosting the largest social services event in Europe, held this year within the UK. We will be celebrating the achievements of social work partnerships in Europeand don’t want you to miss out.
The IFSW Europe Executive Committee is excited by the interest expressed towards the Conference across Europe, as well as the high quality of abstracts submitted for the conference workshops.
Looking forward to meet Colleagues in Edinburgh and sharing new experiences across Europe!