The United Nation’s Secretary-General, António Guterres in promoting the rights of nature, highlighted in his Harmony with Nature report to the General Assembly that, “the International Federation of Social Workers, at their General Meeting (2022), adopted a policy paper entitled ‘The role of social workers in advancing a new eco-social world’. In it, the Federation calls for expanding the existing Universal Declaration of Human Rights into a holistic rights framework that encompasses social human rights, cultural rights, ecosystem rights and the broader rights of Nature in order to combat the global crises of climate change and pandemics, by building a new eco-social world”.
The IFSW policy, The Role Of Social Workers In Advancing A New Eco-Social World was developed in accordance with The People’s Charter for a New Eco-Social World. Its adoption expanded the way the social work profession thinks about rights by promoting a holistic rights framework rather than talking only of human rights.
A Holistic Rights Framework recognizes individual human rights, (dignity and fundamental freedoms), social human rights, (civil, economic, and political), cultural rights, eco-system rights, and the broader rights of nature. Within this framework are driving values and principles: Recognizing the importance of diversity, sustainability, self-determination, and that all people are responsible to protect and advance the rights of others as well as nature. The aim of the framework is to establish a consensus that balances all rights through participatory engagement in inclusive policies and practices for our shared futures.
Global Commissioner for the IFSW UN Commission Priska Fleischlin said “We are delighted to see the IFSW policy highlighted at this highest level within the UN system. We will be following this up with an offer to work with the UN and others to assist in extending the existing UN Human Rights Declaration, to a Holistic Rights Framework”
Sebastian Cordoba the IFSW UN regional commissioner who helped develop the paper commented, “It is rare for any single submission to be highlighted by the UN Secretary-General when there are many thousands submitted. It demonstrates the important contribution of social work and how valued social work is to the United Nations in its development”.
Rory Truell Secretary-General of the Federation congratulated the UN Commission noting, “Thanks to individuals who are working as teams and investing so much of their time in IFSW, we are now making a real impact and have real influence. IFSW is built on the wonderful commitment and talents of people believing in change.”