IFSW Statement on International Labour Day, 1st May 2020
Living with vulnerability and stress is not new for the majority of the world’s population but with COVID-19 all people are experiencing fear and uncertainty. This is compounded by the global economic crisis and concerns that governments will implement failed policies of austerity rather than development. As a profession, based in all countries, working in the context of social development and sustainability social workers are advancing all people’s right to decent work underpinned by international standards.
International Labour Day should mark a new vision for a new global economic framework. A framework based on solidarity, human rights, fair pricing, international standards of labour and capacity building for low-income countries.
The elimination of poverty and continued pursuit of reducing inequality will result in stopping virus’s being born and exploding in contexts of food shortage and unhygienic conditions. Equality and realisation of peoples and environmental rights will result in thriving communities.
The social work profession re-commits to actions worldwide to pursue a new ethically based economic framework that focuses on the needs of people, where all workers in all countries have the right to decent work and secure futures.