Ms. Liz Timms,
16 Kent St
Birmingham B5 6RD
United Kingdom
Sydney/ Berne, 18 October 2002
Dear Liz,
We write to you and all our colleagues in BASW to express our profound sadness over the recent killings of UK citizens in Bali.
Like the many who have died before them in similar attacks these people were entirely innocent.
We know that some colleagues in the UK will be involved in a range of support work both now and in the coming years as people struggle with the reality of their loss. We also know that such a tragedy may have struck very close to home for some. We extend our condolences to all of the family and friends who lost loved ones.
Like your colleagues around the world we know that you do not support acts of terrorism, wherever they occur, however understand the links between chronic poverty, prejudice, disadvantage and the likelihood that terrorists will find support where it may otherwise have not existed.
These are difficult and unpopular views to voice at times such as these but never the less they must be aired.
Please know that your colleagues in IFSW stand with BASW in its work.
Yours sincerely
Imelda Dodds, President
Tom Johannesen, Secretary General