From left to right: Paulo Pedroso, Director INOVHUMRE; Antonio López Peláez, UNED-ICSW; Jorge M. Ferreira, ISCTE; Sangmok Suh, ICSW President; Annamaria Campanini, IASSW President; Joachim Mumba, IFSW President
On November 16, 2023, in Lisbon, within the activities of the ISCTE Winter School, and as a result of the Erasmus+ INOVHUMRE project, involving partners from Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Colombia and Brazil[1], the presidents of IFSW, IASSW and ICSW, and the representatives of ISCTE and UNED, have signed the Lisbon Declaration for the development of Social Work and Humanitarian Action in the 21st century.
It is a declaration that puts on the table the strengthening of humanitarian aid, the improvement of the competencies and skills of social workers, the design of new training programs, and the need to bet on participation and co-design as strategies to improve social inclusion. In this sense, this declaration is a very relevant contribution to social work in the field of humanitarian aid, approved with the unanimous consensus of IFSW, IASSW and ICSW.
Annamaria Campanini, President of IASSW, commented, “The Lisbon Declaration is a milestone in our collective journey towards a more equitable and responsive social work environment globally. Its focus on specialized training and digitalization reflects the evolving needs of our times and the necessity of staying ahead in our humanitarian endeavors.”
Joachim, President of IFSW, added, “This Declaration marks a new era in humanitarian action, where collaboration between state, civil society, private sectors and ordinary community members is paramount. The emphasis on peace, security, and good governance as foundational principles paves the way for more effective and equitable social interventions.”
Sang-Mok Suh, President of ICSW, stated, “The Lisbon Declaration’s call for international cooperation and its inclusion in the European Agenda signify a major step forward in global social work and humanitarian efforts. The creation of a digital platform and the push for internationalizing universities are particularly exciting developments, promising a future of shared knowledge and innovative practices.”
Download the Lisbon Declaration here
[1] Fundacao Getulio Vargas – Brazil; Icesi University – Colombia; Hacettepe Universitesi – Turkey; Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distância (UNED) – Spain; Instituto Marques de Valle Flor – Portugal; Magtel Foundation – Spain; Sened Derneği Turkey; Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Derneği Ankara Şubesi – Turkey