IFSW statement to Spain (13 March 2004):
Dear friends in Spain,
What a brave and strong people you are!! Already the day after the terrible terrorist attacks on the trains in Madrid you have been able to turn the stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
We could not join you with the millions of people on the streets in Madrid yesterday evening, but through the Spanish TV channel TVE we followed you closely all over Spain – in Barcelona, Bilbao, Granada, Guadalajara, Las Palmas, Madrid, Oviedo, Palma de Mallorca, Pamplona, San Sebastian, Santiago de Campostella, Sevilla, Valencia, Vitoria, Teneriffe, Valladolid, Zaragoza …
To channel sorrow and anger in this peaceful and beautiful way shows the whole world that this way to combat terrorism has a much stronger effect than the more destructive ones that we so often have seen in other places.
Also the manifestations earlier in the day in schools and kindergartens with minutes of silence and “manos blancos” have made a strong impression.
It is not strange then that we, millions of peoples all over the world, also feel such a great sympathy and solidarity with you. The Spanish people have set a formidable example of an intelligent, bright and forward-looking way of tackling the dark forces in the world.
Sydney/Berne, 13 March 2004
Imelda Dodds, IFSW President
Tom Johannesen, IFSW Secretary General
Lisbeth Mattsson, IFSW Communications Officer
Words of sympathy from IFSW (11 March 2004) to Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales, Spain
Dear colleagues in Spain,
We have just learned about the terrible explosions on three railway stations in Madrid this morning. It is difficult to understand how human beings are capable of causing such meaningless pain and death to other fellow human beings.
We are thinking of you, of the casualties, their families and the people who are participating in the rescuing and follow-up work, and we hope that there soon will be another way of dealing with political and social disagreements than spreading death and terror.
Sydney/Berne 11 March 2004
International Federation of Social Workers
Imelda Dodds and Tom Johannesen
Message from Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales
Desde el Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales, queremos expresar nuestro sentimiento de solidaridad y apoyo con los familiares de las victimas del atentado terrorista que ha azotado a la ciudad de Madrid en el día de hoy, así mismo queremos expresar nuestro mayor rechazo y condena tajante .
Esperamos que en estos momentos de tensión y dolor, la cordura y el sentido común primen en nuestra sociedad , en el marco de los valores democráticos y el respeto por los derechos humanos.
Consejo General de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales
En Madrid a 11 de marzo de 2004
Message from Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales (english version)
From Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales we wish to express our feelings of solidarity with and support to the families of the victims of the terrorist attack which hit Madrid today, likewise we wish to express our great rejection and strong condemnation.
We hope that in this time of stress and pain, sound judgement and common sense will prevail in our society, in the framework of the democratic values and in the respect of human rights.
Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales
Madrid, 11 March 2004
Words of sympathy from National Association of Social Workers, USA
Dear Colleagues of El Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Diplomados en Trabajo Social y Asistentes Sociales
The National Association of Social Workers of the United States joins you and the people of Spain as you mourn those who lost their lives in the bombing at the three railway stations. Our thoughts are with the families of the dead and injured. Indiscriminate acts of terror perpetrated on innocent civilian populations are deplorable and senseless. The use of such ruthless tactics in pursuit of political objectives may gain notoriety but do very little in achieving desired goals. Death and destruction are never effective to build desirable ends.
We’ll keep you in our hearts and in our prayers.
Washington, March 11, 2004
Leticia Diaz, MS
Senior Policy Associate
Human Rights and International Affairs
Words of sympathy from the Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues, Russia – 12 March 2004)
Dear colleagues in Spain!
We heard about the terrible explosions at three railway stations in Madrid.
We have to realise that we all live under the threat of the gun every day.
It is terrible that people deliberately can cause pain and death to other human beings. Life should be sacred to us all.
As your fellow social workers, we share your sorrow!
Please accept our condolences and our feelings of solidarity with and support to the families of the victims of this disaster.
Moscow, 12 March 2004
Antonina N. Dashkina,
Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues
Greetings from IFSW Europe (12 March 2004)
Dear colleagues
I am sending the greetings of your social work colleagues in IFSW Europe at this terrible time for Spain, Europe and the world.
I have seen the message from Imelda Dodds and Tom Johannesen on behalf of IFSW and they have said what needs to be said.
We extend our sympathies to those who are bereaved and our social work colleagues who are working with the consequences of the disaster.
We all share the impact of this outrage and you are in our thoughts.
David N Jones
IFSW President for Europe
Ana Radulescu
IFSW Europe Honorary Secretary
and all members of the IFSW Europe Executive