The IFSW Secretariat has the great pleasure to announce that we have three new country-level members!
The following organisations have had their applications for Full IFSW Membership approved by a postal ballot of IFSW members:
- Beroepsvereniging van Professionals in Sociaal Werk (BPSW) (Netherlands)
- The National Association of Social Workers (Malawi)
- Sierra Leone Association of Social Workers (Sierra Leone)
Successful membership applications to IFSW over the recent years shows that social work is one of the fasting growing professions.
In 2014 the following country-level members joined IFSW: Aotearoa /New Zealand (as a new coordinating body), Egypt, Grenada, Mexico, Nepal, Romania (as a new coordinating body) and Morocco.
In 2015 the following country-level members joined IFSW: Greece, Haiti India, and Panama.
In 2016 the following country-level members joined IFSW: Moldova, Poland and Lebanon.
So far in 2017 the following country-level members joined IFSW: The Netherlands, Malawi and Sierra Leone. We are currently processing a further application from Slovakia.
IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell said:
“The global social work profession continues to leap from strength-to-strength and to rise to a new levels of cooperation and solidarity. International solidarity and joint action is what makes the social work profession visible and strong. We have been able to use this solidarity to influence government and global / regional political structures to understand the significance of the social work contributions to wider society. We welcome our first new members in 2017. The two from the African Region and another rejoining from Europe will bring new rich experiences and insights to both the regions and to global IFSW. We extend a heartfelt welcome and congratulate them on achieving full membership”.