The Maltese Association of Social Workers is celebrating a major milestone next month as it marks its 30th anniversary. This is a significant achievement for the organisation, which has been at the forefront of advocating for the rights and welfare of social workers in Malta.
Founded in 1991, the Maltese Association of Social Workers has played a crucial role in shaping the social work profession in Malta, promoting the highest standards of practice in the field. The organization has been instrumental in providing a platform for social workers to come together, share ideas and experiences and collaborate on initiatives to improve the lives of vulnerable people and communities.
Dr Ruth Allen, President of IFSW Europe said
“ It is a delight to celebrate this milestone for our colleagues in Malta and thank them for all the work they do. Across Europe, and indeed across the world, associations continue to grow and develop. It is important to mark progress and achievement as we build a stronger profession across our diverse societies. I want to call out the tireless work of all our associations – members and staff – in representing and advocating for social workers and the people we work with”.
Over the past three decades, the Maltese Association of Social Workers has worked with great dedication to raise awareness of the importance of social work and to highlight the valuable contributions of social workers within society. Through advocacy efforts, training programs and networking opportunities, the organization has helped raise the status of social work in Malta and ensure that social workers have the resources and support they need to excel in their roles.
Members of the association who have worked tirelessly to promote social justice, human rights and empowerment in their communities. The organization has brought together social workers from diverse backgrounds and practice areas, creating a strong and united voice for the profession in Malta. It has been instrumental in achieving legal recognition of social work in 2003.
Looking ahead, the Maltese Association of Social Workers remains committed to advancing the social work profession and promoting the well-being of individuals and communities in Malta. Through ongoing advocacy, education and collaboration, the organization will continue to uphold the rights of social workers and uphold the highest standards of practice in the field.
Happy Birthday to the Maltese Association of Social Workers!
It-Tajjeb għall-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tal-Ħaddiema Soċjali!