Belgium, Europe
Janine RenierAddress: Dréve des Dix Metres 81 1410 Waterloo
00 32 2 351 57 35
- Name of the President: Mrs. Liliane Cocozza
- Number of members: 250
- Year when the Association was established: 1971
- Year when the Association joined IFSW: 1971
- Code of Ethics Professional Union of French Social Workers Belgium
- Constitution Professional Union of French Social Workers Belgium
UFAS share the global definition of social work benefits and add others as appropriate – 125 profession approve by IFSW and IASSW in 2014
Strategic objectives: NGO founded in 1948 — after different revision, in the actual form — support and help members having difficulties in there professionnel activities — Defend conditions to exercise the professional mission in good conditions and respect of the rights of clients .All the services for members are free-
Ufas is in charge to look at the respect of the ethic code —part of the official statut —of UFAS — Represent the profession and defend the status in different official federal institution — organising further training — sometimes as mediator hetween social workers and other institution or private persons. Participates in the action programmes developed by the networl ESAN — an in the European social platform.
- Is social Work a University degree? Yes
- How many years do you have to study? training is 3year Hight superior training –title Bachelor. Access to specialisations at the university access based on the bachelor diploma who regulates title protected by the low of 1945
- Do you have to register to practice social work?