Czech Republic, Europe
Řepínská 676/9, 181 00 Prague 8
+420 777 658 811
- Name of the President: PhDr, Pavel Pěnkava, Ph.D.
- Number of members: 143
- Year when the Association was established: 1920
- Year when the Association joined IFSW:
- Code of Ethics Association of Social Workers of the Czech Republic
- Constitution Association of Social Workers of the Czech Republic
Social work as a profession was established in former Czechoslovakia in the early 1920s. The first high school for social workers was founded in Prague in 1918, and the first graduates started their practice in 1920. The Association of Social Workers in Czechoslovakia was established in 1921. Due to the World War II, the Association had to cease its activities, but it was renewed after the war ended. In 1950, however, the Association was forced to stop its activities once again, this time for long 18 years. From 1968 till 1970, the Association was an independent organization. Afterwards, the social workers joint the Association of Nurses, which was a branch of the Purkyně´s Association of Doctors. Social workers were having their own section within it until the political changes of 1989-1990 period. On June 2, 1990, a constitutive meeting of the Association of Social Workers was held, the executive board was elected and all the members of previous section were registered . Today Association of Social Workers in the Czech Republic is a civic corporation with 360 members from all over the country. Working for the Association is a voluntary aktivity which helps to develop social work and to increase the acknowledgment of the profession of social work.
- Is it social Work a University degree? Yes. Social work as an independent university field has been studied since the academic year 1992/93, when the Department of Social Work was founded at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University.
- How many years do you have to study? Social work, as a three-year qualification, can also be studied at a higher vocational school of social work with a degree DiS. (Associate degree). The study at the university lasts at least three years too, graduating with bachelors degree (Bc.).
- Do you have to register to practice social work? The register of social workers is not yet based on legislation, it is only considered in the forthcoming legal standard – Social Workers Act.