France, Europe
15 rue de Bruxelles
75009 Paris
- Name of the President: Ms Isabelle BOISARD
- Number of members: 841
- Year when the Association was established: 1944
- Year when the Association joined IFSW: 1950
- AASL code de deontologie final Nov 2019
- Constitution French Association of Social Workers
From its beginning, the Association has played an important role in establishing a professional identity, in organizing and demanding regulation for the profession of social service assistant. The law of April 8, 1946 gave a status of public service to the profession.
ANAS still plays an important role in establishing a professional identity, organizing and demanding regulation for the profession of social work assistant.
The aim of ANAS is to explain the values that underlie the intervention of social service assistants. Beyond the good will or personal convictions of all those who “make social”, we must ensure the user guarantees common values for all social service professionals to whom it is addressed.
The set of rules of ethics is used above all to guarantee this relationship of trust.
After its creation, ANAS set itself the task of elaborating a code of ethics modeled on the code of medical ethics.
The first code will be adopted in 1949 but it will not lead to the creation of a council of the professional order. Many professionals regret it. This is because of the establishment by decree of 4 April 1950 of the Superior Council of Social Services, now the Higher Council of Social Work.
- Is Social Work a University degree? No
- How many years do you have to study? 3 years
- Do you have to register to practice social work? yes