Portugal, Europe
Rua Alberto Sousa nº 8 1600- 002 Lisboa PORTUGAL

00351 21 580 7569
- Name of the President: Ms. Júlia Cardoso
- Number of members: 351
- Year when the Association was established: 1978
- Year when the Association joined IFSW:
- Code of Ethics APSS
- Constitution APSS
Procurando responder às necessidades profissionais dos seus associados, os estatutos da APSS estabelecem como objectivos a prosseguir o que, efectivamente, caracteriza uma associação que enquadre uma classe profissional, nomeadamente:
a) PROMOVER a criação do estatuto porque se regerão os Profissionais de Serviço Social; o aperfeiçoamento profissional dos sócios;
b) REPRESENTAR os sócios em organizações nacionais e internacionais com intervenção no campo social;
c) CONTRIBUIR para a articulação do ensino do Serviço Social com a realidade em que os profissionais actuam; para a definição da Política Social, através da colaboração com entidades oficiais e particulares que visem a promoção do Bem –Estar Social;
d) INTERVIR em todo e qualquer assunto dos Profissionais do Serviço Social, com excepção dos específicos da actividade sindical.
Principais Actividades:
- Supervisão e Formação
- Promoção de Grupos de Trabalho
- Centro de Documentação
- Produção e difusão de documentos de carácter técnico
- Edição de Publicações Periódicas e outras
- Intercâmbio com editoras
- Estudo sobre o Serviço Social em Portugal
- 2020 – e- book ” Social Work, Human Rights and Intercultural Relations” now in pdf with open access e-book pdf SocialWorkDez20
- WSWD poster 2019 Portugues
- 2019. Exchanging Practices, Knowledge and Cooperation between Europe and Africa
- 2012 How are Portugal‘s cuts affecting social workers?
- 2012. Portugal: Social Work Association takes position on EU austerity measures
- The Higher School of Education (ESECB) of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (IPCB), Portugal, has celebrate 2019 World Day of Social Work with several events organized during 18-22 th march, with the social work students and Social Work professors of this school.
The initiatives started on the 18th with an Exhibition of the Social Work Curricular Traineeships that lasted until the 22nd, and included a donation campaign to school social services.
In the World Social Service Day we organized a march through the city center of Castelo Branco, greeting social workers from several city social organizations. This march had more than 60 participants, between teachers and students, aim to reinforce the importance of proximity relations between the members of the academic community and the whole community and raise society’s awareness of the importance of Social Work profession in portuguese society; more important in a period when takes place the public debate and waiting the decision about the Social workers professional self-regulation statute in PortugalThis march had its most striking moment in the Civic Center of the City of Castelo Branco, where the SS initials alluding to Social Work were built “humanely”, accompanied by the elaboration of a heart (see photos). During the afternoon, was presented the new Code of Ethics of Social Workers in Portugal, promoted on the initiative of APSS – Associação dos Profissionais de Serviço Social (Social Workers Professional Association) and a IFSW member.
- Is it social Work a University degree? – Yes
- How many years do you have to study? – Since Bolonha System, 3 years.
- Do you have to register to practice social work? – Yes, with the approval of the law that created the Social Workers Order (September 2019) .