Slovakia, Europe
Mgr. Martina OndrejkováMokrohájska cesta 3
841 03 Bratislava
- Name of the President: Mgr. Martina Ondrejková
- Number of members: 497
- Year when the Association was established: 2014
- Year when the Association joined IFSW: 2016
- Constitution Slovak chamber of social workers and social work assistants
- Code_of_Ethics_Slovak chamber of social workers and social work assistants
Slovak Chamber of social workers and social work assistants was established by the Law no. 219/2014 Coll. on Social work and on the conditions for the exercise of certain professional activities in the field of Social and Family Affairs and on the amendments to certain acts (hereinafter the “Act”). It was founded on the constitutive council of the chamber on 18/09/2015.
Slovak Chamber of social workers and social work assistants (hereinafter the “chamber”) is an independent, non-political, self-governing professional organization that brings together social workers and social work assistants in the Slovak Republic.
- Is it social Work a University degree?
- How many years do you have to study?
- Do you have to register to practice social work?