Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou, nga mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa. Warm greetings to you all from Aotearoa New Zealand!
Wednesday 28 September 2016 marks the 12th year that Aotearoa New Zealand has celebrated a National Social Work Day. Across the country social workers will meet in their branches, roopu and workplaces to join together in celebration of the unique and special ways social workers contribute to making a positive difference with the individuals, their families and the communities they work with. The range of activities being undertaken this year, includes a week-long series of webinar professional development activities hosted by the professional body ANZASW.
At this time we also greet our colleagues across the region and around the world as we join together in honour of everything that is similar as well as all the diversity that being a social worker means globally.
Together we celebrate the great profession of social work!
Regards, Rose Henderson
President, Interim Governance Board, ANZASW and Vice President IFSW Asia Pacific