Last week FO, The Norwegian Association of Social Workers, hosted Ana Radulescu, IFSW European Regional President and Rory Truell, IFSW Secretary-General. During the visit, FO made a podcast with the two IFSW representatives. The 35-minute interview discusses the ongoing learning process of the social work profession with examples from the global pandemic and how learning for the Syrian refugee crisis sharpened the profession’s responses to Ukrainian refugees. Further examples include how learning from Yemeni and Northern Irish social workers has helped to inform the social work strategies under war conditions in Ukraine. The role of humanitarian aid and its differences with social work are also discussed.
Please note the first moments of the interview are in Norwegian and the rest is in English. Please find the podcast here on Spotify and here on the FO website.
Photo: Ana Radulescu and Rory Truell speaking at an FO public event