World Social Work Day takes place on 21 March 2023. This year’s theme is ‘Respecting diversity through joint social action’. It stems from the People’s Charter for a New Eco Social World and recognises that change happens locally through our diverse leaderful communities.
#WSWD2023 provides an opportunity to acknowledge how communities can make powerful actions that lead to inclusive social transformation. There are now many examples on the IFSW website that highlight social work’s role in working with communities in this journey.
IFSW President, Joachim Mumba said, “We invite all stakeholders to a new sustainable eco social world to join with us on this journey we must all take. Together, we will bring our local and global experience to make transformative change happen”.
To learn more about the history of World Social Work Day, please click here.
You may download the 2023 World Social Work Day by clicking one of the following links: English, French, Spanish.
For more translations and formats, please click below on ‘Poster Translations’ and ‘Other Formats’.
Cobranding the Poster: All networks, movements, and organisations that share the values of this poster are welcome to co-brand it by adding their logo alongside the IFSW logo. We also invite you to share with us your initiatives and plans for your #WSWD2023 event. We will upload information about your planned event on this page and distribute them among social workers around the world.
Translating the Poster: We will publish the translation of the World Work Day Poster into your language. Please click below on ‘Submit Translations’.
- Respecting diversity through joint social action
- World Social Work Day
- 21st March 2023
Please bold the word corresponding to “through” as this is displayed on the poster in a different colour. Thank you all. IFSW will publish your translated poster on this page so that it can be shared across the world (please note that the relevant IFSW member organisation will approve the translation, which may take a few days).
- Afrikaans
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- Icelandic
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- Welsh
More Translations will be posted here once they become available

IFSW Global President, Joachim C. Mumba.
IFSW Secretary General, Rory Truell.
Machiko Ohara, Asia Pacific Regional President
Joan David-Whelan North America Regional President
Noel Muridzo, IFSW Africa President
Kenia Batista, IFSW Latin America President.
Ana Radulescu, IFSW European President
More videos will be posted here once they become available
- WSWD2023 @ the UN 2023 Details: World Social Work Day 2023—Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action (
- JFSW: Japanese Federation of Social Workers International Symposium – International Federation of Social Workers (
- The Iranian Association of Social Workers celebrates #WSWD2023 in cooperation with universities, local and international associations and governmental entities through a join webinar. Webinar details
- The Independen Pekerja Sosial Profesional Indonesia (IPSPI) welcomes all to a Grand Jamboree in the South Kalimantan Province in comemoration of #WSWD2023.
Date: March 3-4, 2023
Venue: South Kalimantan Province.
Details: IPSPI melaporkan WSDS tahap 1 Jambore Akbar - The Malaysian Association of Social Workers (MASW) will be organizing an online webinar on Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge & Approaches into Social Work Practice & Education
Date: 21st March 2023 (Malaysia time, MYT).
Registration: open via ( IFSW North America Region #WSWD2023 Conference
IFSW Asia Pacific region 14th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Social Welfare and
Social Work 2023 and the 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2023 in celebrating World Social Work Day 2023 under the theme “Respecting Diversity Through joint social action” on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Bangkok time (GMT+7) in a hybrid format at the meeting room on the 8th floor of the Department of Social Development and Welfare Ministry of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand AND online via Zoom Cloud Meeting.
Trabajo Social y Mujer: Esta actividad tiene como objetivo, reflexionar sobre los aportes de las Mujeres al Trabajo Social y la incidencia de ellas al fortalecimiento de la profesión en la República Dominicana.
Expositora: Mildred Mata Fecha: Martes 21 de marzo Hora: 7:30pm Modalidad: Virtual
Asociación Dominicana de Profesionales de Trabajo Social (ADOPTRASOC) Consejo Nacional de Dirección 2021-2023. República Dominicana9. Bangladesh social workers in partnership with UNICEF plan for #WSWD2023 as well as
launching the 2nd National Campaign for the Promotion of Social Work 2023.
Concept Note_Social Work Campaign 2023
Program Schedule_#WSWD2023 21 March