The global representatives of the International Federation of Social Workers met in London with representatives of IFSW’s sister organizations, The International Association Schools of Social Work and the International Council on Social Welfare
Presidents Silvana Martines (IFSW), Anna Maria Campanini (IASSW) and Eva Holmegt (ICSW) together with IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell, IASSW Secretary Barbara Shank and ICSW Executive Director Tom Johannesen met for two days to advance their organisations joint interests and to strengthen the partnership steering a common path
Among other topics, the three organisations prepared a Memorandum of Understanding that provides a framework for the three partners and sets out their objectives. This includes advancing the development and implementation of the new Global Agenda of Social Work and Social Development 2020 – 2030, the organization of global conferences and the organisation of the jointly owned journal published by Sage: International Social Work.
After the meeting Silvana Martinez, IFSW President commented, “It is a pleasure to work with our sister organizations. Our joint passion and commitment for the social work and social development professions strengthens the social work position and our ability to act as a voice for human rights, equality and social justice. We, IFSW, IAASW and ICSW are united and in our joint work we act as one”. IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell said, “We are on track. Social work has a crucial role in every country and across the globe in building connection, understanding and shared futures among diverse populations. As we face a world trend of growing nationalism and political cultures of blaming vulnerable or differing populations, the social work role in facilitating solidarity has become more crucial. The three sister organisations have demonstrated unity and forged a strong joint focus while maintaining a deep respect for the differing organisational cultures.”
David Jones, Global coordinator of the Global Agenda 2010 – 2020, Abye Tasse, Global Coordinator of the Global Agenda 2020 – 2030, and Lola Casal-Sanchez, IFSW International Relationship Manager also participated in the meeting in advancing the common platform.