Social Workers from across Europe gathered earlier in June with other Anti-austerity groups in Athens for the two-day Alter Summit calling for radical changes in policy from western governments. Hundreds of social movements, non-governmental organisations and trade unions said in a joint manifesto: “Europe stands on the edge of a cliff, facing the abyss.” The event aimed to strengthen the ties between organisations as well as individuals who are opposing the austerity programmes imposed in most European countries by their governments.
In the video above social workers from many countries who participated in the Summit join voices and send out a strong message against the austerity policy of Europe. The video was recorded by our colleagues in Spain, members from the “Consejo General del Trabajo Social” whose movement against cuts in social policies, the Mareja Naranja (Orange Tide) Movement has already attracted wide interest all over the country.
The Athens Summit called for fiscal pacts imposed on indebted countries to be cancelled, for a moratorium on debt repayments, higher taxes on the rich and more scrutiny of offshore accounts. The event was an act of solidarity towards Greek social movements in their struggle against austerity. During the two day gathering, round tables were being held in order to discuss the movement’s alternative proposals against the crisis and draft a common agenda of action, which is to be called the Athens Manifesto.