The Czech Republic, like other countries in the world, has been facing a major test in recent weeks in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection, which none of us has ever seen, as well as a generation ahead.
Society of Social Workers of the Czech Republic as an association of social workers from all the field of social work, considers the duty to express admiration for their dedication to help and care wherever social workers are needed. Many of these workers had to give up their family life and are fully dedicated for professional help and protection their loved ones remaining at their workplaces (in hospitals, residential facilities, authorities that have set up advice on telephone lines or provide direct in field assistance).
The Society of Social Workers of the Czech Republic also values all professionals who work in the first line “, especially doctors and paramedics, emergency services, firefighters and police officers.
Impressive evidence of solidarity and support is also shown by representatives of other professions who often offer their services for free (restaurant operators, taxis, farmers, owners of small aircraft, etc.) Many thanks also to all scientific workplaces and educators.
Extreme life situation revealed people’s characters. The current emergency has confirmed that citizens of The Czech Republic has realized the seriousness of the situation and has put the protection of the public interest above the forefront their own needs.
We believe that social workers have greatly contributed to the increased participation the interest of the general public in this profession and the strengthening of the social worker’s prestige in society. Let us hope that in the future we can together strengthen all the positive things that make us it connects, not what divides us.
JUDr. Věra Novotná
President of the Society of Social Workers of the Czech Republic