Strengthening Social Work Leadership in Africa
Your opportunity to support
Professional Social Work in Africa is making a major impact in ensuring that human rights are embedded in systems and structures, that people are supported through social community development, that government’s are held accountable to people’s wellbeing and much more.
IFSW Regional President Charles Mbugua, based in Nairobi has called a Summit that will enable all national associations to come together to develop regional links, policies and strategies for action. “We can do so much more if we combine our talents and resources by working from a regional perspective”, Mr Mbugua said.
The Summit to be held in Nairobi on the 15 and 16 May 2012 will invite 120 people from at least 10 African countries.
The Summit to be held in Nairobi on the 15 and 16 May 2012 will invite 120 people from at least 10 African countries. The objectives of this event are:
- Consolidating African Social Work leadership
- Identifying combined strengths and how to utilize these for greater effect
- Developing an African regional action plan with joint priorities
- Form an African Regional Definition of Social Work
- Plan the Regional Leadership for the future years
- Plan and prepare a regional presence in the upcoming Joint World Conference in Stockholm.
To make this significant and far-reaching event happen your assistance is needed. Most of the funds have been raised but there is still a need for further financial contributions.
Organizational sponsorship
Contributions of US$ 1000.00 means only 7 organizations have to contribute, please make your organization one of them. Sponsors will be acknowledged at the Summi, by IFSW and online.
Individual sponsorship
Contributions of or as little as US$30.00 will contribute to a representative from within Africa being able to attend. Sponsors will be acknowledged at the Summit and also by IFSW.
Sponsored by
Danish Association of Social Workers
US $10,000 donated
International Federation of Social Workers
US $15,000 donated
US $25,000
pledged of US $32,000