The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development started in 2010 when 3000 social work representatives and social development professionals came together to set the priorities for the profession until 2020. This significantly successful period of the Global Agenda has been an essential voice in proactively setting and fulfilling the Sustainable Developmental Goals, working towards more peaceful and just societies and strengthening the voice of the social work profession.
Now, the social work profession needs to examine new themes and processes to expand the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development for the years 2020 to 2030. From IFSW, we are launching a consultation process, where your input is essential to build a robust and inclusive Global Agenda that meets the real needs of all people. The consultation period will end in July 2020.
Please make your contributions to the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development 2020 – 2030 by filling in the comments box at the bottom of this page.
To see the reports of the Global Agenda from 2010 to 2018 please visit the IFSW Bookstore where you can download the reports for free. Below is a video message from the IFSW President Silvana Martinez and Secretary-General Rory Truell providing some examples of the success of the Global Agenda and inviting all people interested in the development of social work to participate in the consultation process. The video is subtitled in both Spanish and English.
Comments Section
Please leave any comments on your proposed Global Agenda themes for 2020 to 2030 and any suggestions for how to integrate the themes across the decade which also allows the Global Agenda process to effectively respond to any unforeseen social issues that may arise.
Social work as a whole needs to do better, it needs to go back to being compassionate and stop with all the red-tape.
People out here are living through their darkest times and its hard to think that social work has not been at the center.
I am an assistant professor of social work and present following points for global social work agenda
-need to change definition of social work
– promote individual’s worth and dignity
– ensure social equity and cutural diversity around the globe
-establish “well-being of all” strategies without discrimination
Je n épiloguerai pas ni ne théoriserai sur le travail social.
De mon tout petit point de vue, je crois fermement qu il est essentiel de travailler encore sur la place de la personne dans l’ accompagnement qui est le sien. Le définir mondialement n est pas suffisant, il faut en débattre largement. Dire, affirmer que la personne est au cœur de notre action, que la personne est la raison d’être du travail social et des travailleurs sociaux, que la personne sera notre partenaire dans l aventure de l’accompagnement…
Les pratiques des uns et des autres ne doivent pas rendre les accompagnements sociaux inéquitables et centrés sur la pratique d un professionnel.
Rappellons que la pratique s’adapte à la fois la personne et non l inverse, et rappelons aussi qu il est important de regarder le positif de chaque situation, et de l essentiel du aller vers et ne plus attendre que la personne “se saisisse”.
Peut-on se saisir lorsque notre monde personnel va mal, et peut-on se saisir lorsque nous n avons plus la force de se relever ?
Nous devons tendre nos mains et saisir celles des personnes et les serrer pour les retenir
Social work as a profession must stay current and ahead of its time.
Social work as a human rights profession should be seen globally as securing democracy, social justice and just transition by supporting and encouraging people in order to increase their social wellbeing and dignity as unique personalities.
The prerequisite to practice social work must be an attainable and affordable university-level education of high quality.
There is a constant need to maintain an adequate number of social workers as well as resources for them to support the various needs of social work clients.
The wellbeing of social workers should be seen as a social investment which in turn increases their clients’ wellbeing and participation.
Influencing societal decision-making should be a core element of social work. Therefore information and research about the challenges and outcomes in social work produced by social workers themselves is essential.
Social work clients must be supported and facilitated in producing knowledge by experience about their lives and circumstances to be used both in social work and in administration.