Local2030 is the United Nations network and platform to build collaborative action at local levels to implement all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The platform brings together local, regional and national governments along with businesses, community-based organizations and other local actors, and the United Nations system to collaboratively incubating and share solutions that advance the SDGs at the local level.
Following a recent meeting between UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell, social work was recognized as key actor in local development which led to the partnership. IFSW UN Global Commissioner Priska Fleischlin said “The partnership with local2030 has many advantages. It will build the recognition of the positive impact of social work´s contributions to social development and increase the involvement of the various voices of the communities that we work within. The partnership further helps to realise our common global goals and aims: to empower the lives of people. The IFSW UN Commission will closely with Local 2030 to promote that all 17 SDGs are realized in every town, city and village.”
All IFSW members and social workers are encouraged to participate in the Local2030 platform and can upload information on their work as well as reach out to other local agencies in their region for collaboration.
See the Local 2030 platform here: https://www.local2030.org/
To upload information register here: https://www.local2030.org/register
Members of the IFSW UN Commission in a virtual meeting last week