IFSW wish all it’s members and social workers worldwide a happy new year. Major developments have taken place in 2021 under our global theme Ubuntu: ‘I am Because We Are’. Globally social workers have worked together and with their communities in minimizing the effects of the pandemic thought facilitating social solidarity and safe practice. As a profession committed to social and environmental justice we have further played a leading role in bringing together other concerned peoples and organizations to build a global change platform; ‘The Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind ‘people’s global summit.
As the strength of one year builds to the next and we move into 2022, we urge all IFSW member organization and social students worldwide to become active participants in this process. We are all needed.
My best wishes to all for the New Year for 2022 to be the year of social and environmental change.
Silvana Martinez, IFSW President.