Belarus, Europe
Alena StanislauchykKnorina str. 3, Minsk, 220049, Belarus.
P.O.Box 70, Minsk, 220049
- Name of the President: Mr. Konstantin Zbarouski
- Number of members: Full member 64; Associated member 154
- Year when the Association was established: 1996
- Year when the Association joined IFSW: 2015
- Constitution of NGO BASW
- Declaration of ethical principles of social work in Belarus
Mission: to consolidate efforts aimed at achieving physical, mental and social well-being of vulnerable groups; developing professional social work and rehabilitation.
- Professional development, informational, methodological and other support for social work professionals.
- Implementation of the best practices in the field of social work and rehabilitation.
- Providing social assistance to socially vulnerable groups
- Social work research
Goal Main programs:
- “Innovative technologies of social work”. – Implementation in Belarus new social support and rehabilitation technologies for vulnerable groups.
- “Social Worker” – Information and methodological support for specialists in social sphere (newsletters, conferences, seminars, trainings)
- Bureau of Social Information – online service for primary legal assistance to consumers of social services, as well as information support for social work professionals.
- Poster WSWD 2019 – Belarusian
- Belarus_Law on Prevention of disability and rehabilitation of disabled persons
- Belarus_Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Republic of Belarus
- Belarus_Law on Social Services
- Belarus_Resolution on national plan for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (1)
- Is it social Work a University degree?
- How many years do you have to study?
- Do you have to register to practice social work?