Hong Kong, China, Asia and Pacific
9/F Breakthrough Centre, 191 Woosung Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

(852) 2528 1802
2528 0068
- Name of the President: Prof Lam Ching Man
- Number of members: 1236
- Year when the Association was established: 1949 – Incorporated 1975
- Year when the Association joined IFSW: 60´s
- Code of Ethics HKSWA
- Constitution HKSWA
The Association strives to foster a high standard of professional practice and ethics of social work in Hong Kong and to investigate questions affecting the professional status and welfare of social workers and to make recommendations to the authorities concerned. Various programs and activities are organized by different committees, including career and membership, professional development, international & regional liaison, current welfare issues, medical social service, and mental health social work. Apart from promoting CPD and supportive supervision, HKSWA makes responses to current welfare issues on its position. The election of outstanding social workers awards every year not only appreciate the outstanding performance, but also promote the spirit in the field. Academically, the editorial committee publishes The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work annually.
- Is Social Work a University degree? Recognize both social work degree and social work associate degree/high diploma
- How many years do you have to study? 4 years for social work degree & 2 years for an associate degree
- Do you have to register to practice social work? Yes. Must be a registered social worker (RSW) to practice