India, Asia and Pacific
Sriganesh M VNo. 69/3, Shankara mutt Road, Bengaluru – 560 004
+91 99015 33633
India Network of professional Social Workers Associations - INPSWA
- Name of the Secretay General: Dr.Ipe Varughese Email
- Number of members: 6000
- Year when the Association was established: 2015
- Year when the Association joined IFSW: 2015
The ISPSW is the oldest and active society of professional social work associations in India. (ISPSW) aims towards meeting challenges of present-day social work practice and creating a platform for information exchange among fellow professionals. The Society was formally known as Indian Society of Psychiatric Social Work, which was established in the year 1970 by Dr. R.K. Upadhyaya and his staff of the Dept of Psychiatric Social Work, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi. Later, it has been constantly upgraded to reach this current status of professional identity and recognition by Dr. I. A. Shariff (Retd. Professor & Head) and Faculty Members, Dept. of Psychiatric Social Work, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore. The nomenclature of the Society was changed in ANC of ISPSW (Dec.1988) at Kolkata, because of an increased representation of educators, practitioners and researchers from all streams of social work in the Society.
The Society primarily focuses on uniting the professional social workers to discuss, deliberate and develop conceptual frameworks and feasible indigenous interventions in Social work practice. In order to facilitate this cause, the Society has so far conducted XXXV (35) Annual National Conferences along with workshops,seminars and symposia on various issues all over India. The ISPSW welcomes you to become a part of this movement.
- facebook: Indian Society of Professional Social Work (ISPSW)
KAPSW was founded in 1978, Bengaluru,
- facebook: Karnataka Association of Professional Social Workers ( KAPSW )
PSAW is an organization that aims to identify, plan, execute, monitor & evaluate. The activities developed aim to develop social work: education, profession & professionals. Members are individuals with post graduate degree in social work from full-time education, as a minimum qualification
- facebook: Karnataka Association of Professional Social Workers ( KAPSW )
BATSW founded in 1989, Mumbai,
- facebook: BATSW – Bombay Association of Trained Social Workers
NAPSWI is a non –profit, non- political, national level organization dedicated to the promotion of standard and status of social work profession. NAPSWI intends to fulfill twin purpose : to promote the social work profession across the country with the aim of improving the quality of services in the social welfare and social development sectors on one hand and to protect interests of social work professionals.
Vision. To create a compassionate fraternity of professional social workers.
Mission. To advance excellence in education, training and practice of professional social work through – education, research, training, networking, advocacy, resource development.
- facebook: National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPSWI)
Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers (KAPS) is the registered professional organization for the Social Workers in Kerala formed on 09 Dec 2012. KAPS has been registered as a society under the
Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955. The formation of KAPS has fulfilled the dream of many veteran Social Workers to unite their voices to deal with issues of professional interests. The association is formed with the purpose of promoting the quality and effectiveness of social work practices in Kerala. This Association will be the common platform for all professionally trained social workers in Kerala. KAPS also intent to take up continuing education programmes for the practicing professionalsKAPS is promoted by the Association of Schools of Social Work in Kerala (ASSK), a registered body of all the schools and departments of social work in Kerala and has the support of professional social workers in PROSA (the association of professional social work educators in Higher Secondry), Social Workers working as Consellors in schools, Kudumbasree, NRHM etc.
- facebook: Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers – KAPS
- 2019. 25th Asia-Pacific Joint Regional Social Work Conference On Social Work Partnerships towards an Equal Society – Asia Pacific Perspective
- 2019 NAPSWI celebrates WSWD. NAPSWI in association with Department of Social Work,
University of Delhi has jointly organized a Round Table Discussion on “Council for Social Work Education: Challenges and Way Forward” on 16th March, 2019 at the Department of Social Work, University of Delhi. Many critical issues with respect to formulation of SW Council were discussed and an action plan for the future has also been formulated.
- World Social Work Day 2019. KAPSW. KAPSW a Network Member Association of INPSWA
( affiliated to IFSW- Geneva) is organising world social work day 2019 a day long event starting from 10.00 am onwards to include Student quiz and panel discussion . Join us let’s be a part of of worldwide celebrations of social work day
- World Social Work Day 2019. Department of Social Work Osmania University Program.
The Department of Social Work Osmania University, in Association With Sri Holistic Health Foundation India organizes one Day Workshop on “World Social Work Day In Contemporary & Modern Societies” on 19th March 2019, 8 AM – 2 PM to commemorate World Social Work Day 2019