Togo, Africa
Yao Koutremon142, rue AFLAO-GAKLI LOMÉ
( +228) 90666625/98989282
- Name of the Chairperson: Yao Koutremon
- Number of members: 68
- Year when the Association was established: 2018
- Year when the Association joined IFSW: 2019
- Code de déontologie des Travailleurs Sociaux_PDS-TOGO_Officiel
- Statuts_PDS-TOGO_
- National Social Work Law: senior social development technician
PDS-Togo is an initiative of a group of social development professionals committed to creating a framework that harnessses the skills available for sustainable human development. The association´s aim is to improve the living conditions of the population. Today, it not only has members who are social workers and other social professions bit also members in social training.
PDS-TOGO est une initiative d´un groupe de professionnels du développement social soucieux de créer un cadre qui permette d´exploiter les compétences disponibles au service du développement humain durable. L´association a pour but d´oeuvrer pour l´amélioration des conditions de vie des populations. Aujourd´hui, elle compte des membres qui sont des practiciens du travail social et autres métiers du social mais asussi des membres en formation sociale.
- Is social Work a University degree? No school under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Action
- How many years do you have to study? 3
- Do you have to register to practice social work? No