Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability:
A Workbook for Global Social Workers and Educators, Volume 2
Call for Workbook Chapter Proposals Submission Deadline:
Proposals accepted immediately and on a rolling basis with a final Proposal Submission Deadline of August 15, 2017
Dr. Meredith C. F. Powers, University of North Carolina – Greensboro
Dr. Michaela Rinkel, Hawaii Pacific University
Objective of Workbook, Volume 2:
This is the second volume of Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability: A Workbook for Global Social Workers and Educators. This new volume continues the discussion focusing on innovative practices connecting social work and sustainability. We are particularly interested in chapters reflecting indigenous voices, decolonization of social work education, solution focused, and/or emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability social work. While we hope the audience will take advantage of the entire workbook as a resource, each chapter is meant to serve as a stand alone lesson and application about some aspect of sustainability in social work.
In order to bring more depth, please consider how you can co-author with people in other disciplines, as well as across practice providers and service users, students, and community partners.
Target Audience:
The target audience of this workbook will be composed of educators, students of social work, researchers, and practitioners.
The editors are interested in reaching a broad, global audience and have made the decision to utilize a publishing format with the fewest access barriers possible. We are pleased to once again work with the the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) to publish this workbook in an online, free format, as well as an option of a fairly priced, paperback, printed on 100% post consumer paper. Please visit Social Work Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability to view the previous volume that utilized this format. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2018.
Submission Procedure:
Scholars, educators, researchers, practitioners and students are invited to submit on or before August 15, 2017 , a 2-3 page workbook chapter proposal clearly outlining and explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by September 1, 2017 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.
Workbook Chapter Proposal Outline:
Each chapter is meant to serve as a stand alone lesson and application about some aspect of sustainability in social work. This lesson should be structured for use with students in a classroom, a group of staff in an agency wanting to explore sustainability, or an individual social worker seeking to better integrate sustainability into their practice. Each lesson will be accompanied by an application of some type. This could be a worksheet, a case study with discussion questions, an activity that can be done in the class or in the community and the like. The previous volume hyperlinked above is a good reference point for ideas of how to link lesson with application. However, do not feel constricted by those examples, we are interested in creativity in the application. For the proposal, please submit the following outline:
Proposed Title: please be sure to Indicate Topic Area in the title
Learning Objectives: please include 2 – 3 objectives that you think readers will get from your lesson and application.
Lesson: This includes the primary content that you will have the reader examine. This will vary based on your material. This could be a case study, information, policy statement, etc. Provide a brief summary (300 – 400 words) of what you propose to include here. You may also direct them to external supplemental links (in the full draft you will need to provide hyperlinks) such as other books, articles, videos, policy statements, etc.
Exercise/Activity: Please provide a brief summary (100 words or less) of your application idea, i.e. a worksheet, a case study with discussion questions, an activity that can be done in the class or in the community and the like.
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (in a Word document) to: and
Important Dates:
July 1, 2017: Call for Workbook Chapter Proposals
August 15, 2017: Proposals accepted on a rolling basis with a final Proposal
Submission Deadline of August 15th
September 1, 2017: Notification of Acceptance on a rolling basis with a final notification by September 1st.
December 1, 2017: Full Chapter Submission to Editors for Review
March 1, 2018: Review Results from Editors Returned to Authors
April 1, 2018: Final Chapter Submission returned to Editors
May 15, 2018: Final Deadline to Publisher
July 2018 Book Launch at SWSD 2018 Conference in Dublin