The next World Social Work Day takes place on the 15th March 2022. The theme: ´Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind´ coincides with the theme of the people´s summit that will take place on the 29th June to the 2nd July.
The theme presents a vision and action plan to create new global values, policies and practices that develop trust, security and confidence for all people and the sustainability of the planet. World Social Work Day 2022 will be a highlight opportunity for the social work profession to engage all social work networks and the community they work within to make contributions to the values and principles which enable all people to have their dignity respected through shared futures. To learn more about the people´s global summit and making contributions click here:
World Social Work Day is celebrated across the world. The 2022 theme has been promoted by social work and now involves extensive global partnerships representing 100s of millions of people. IFSW President, Silvana Martinez said. ´The Co-building a New Eco-Social World peoples´ summit has brought large and diverse groups together with a common vision and shared starting principles. Collectively we are the largest civil-society organisation comprising the world’s trade unions, health sectors, Faith Invest network, global student bodies, international social work, United Nation’s agencies, social movements, academic networks and many others. The 2022 World Social Work Day will act as a platform for this initiative, to engage all communities so they can have their say in what kind of collective world they want to live in. I urge all social workers to become involved in this global mass movement for change´.
To learn more about the history of World Social Work Day? Please click here.
To download the 2022 World Social Work Day poster click English, French Spanish. For more translation, please click below on ‘Poster Translations’.
Cobranding the Poster: All social work partners and members are welcome to co-brand the #WSWD2022 poster by adding their logo alongside the IFSW logo. We also invite you to share with us your initiatives, events, and proposals to celebrate #WSWD2022. We will upload information about your planned event on this page and distribute them among social workers around the world.
Translating the Poster: We will publish your language translation for the World Work Day Poster. Please click below on ‘Submit Translations’.
We also invite member organizations to translate the poster into their own languages. Last year, the poster was translated into 100 languages highlighting global professional unity and common action.
We hope that most organizations will be able to edit the poster for translation themselves, but if this is not possible, please copy the text below in bold, write your translation line by line underneath, and email it to: :
- Co-Building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind
- World Social Work Day
- 15th March 2022
Thank you to all – it is a significant professional step forward that globally social workers join the global movement to co-building a new eco-social world!
IFSW will post your translated poster on this website so that it can be shared across the world (Please note that the relevant IFSW member organisation must approve the translation which may take a few days).
- Agikhuyu
- Albanian
- Arabic
- Aragones
- Armenian
- Asturian
- Azerbaijan
- Bangla
- Basque
- Bernese German
- Brunei
- Bulgarian/ Bulgerian
- Catalan
- Catalonians
- Cherokee
- Chinese
- Chinese Traditional, Chinese2
- Croatian
- Croatian
- Czechia
- Dutch
- English
- Euskera
- Finnish
- French
- Galician
- German
- Georgian
- Guarani
- Hindi
- Hindi, Hindi2
- Hungarian
- Icelandic
- Indonesian
- Irish
- Italian
- Japanese
- Kabye
- Kannada
- Kikongo
- Kinyarwanda
- Kirundi
- Korean
- Latvian
- Lingala
- Macedonin
- Malayalam
- Malaysia
- Maltese
- Maori
- Mongolian
- Nawdm
- Nepalese
- Norwegian
- Papiamento
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Serbian2
- Setswana
- Slovak, Slovak
- Slovenia
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Tamil
- Thai
- Togolese
- Turkish
- Thai
- Twi
- Urdu
- Ukranian
- Welsh
Translations will be posted here once they become available
The Global president Silvana, wishes the global social work community a happy WSWD2022
The FITS Latinoamérica y el Caribe World Social Work Day 2022 celebrations.
The IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell shares a message on World Social Worl Day 2022 #WSWD2022
More Videos will be posted here once they become available

Professional Social Workers, Professional Social Work Associations, Social Work Schools & Departments, Social Work Fraternity & Stakeholders, NGOs & Other social workers in collaboration with Sri Holistic Health Foundation India (SHHFI) brings to you the; ‘International Conference on Social Work & Sciences – Towards One Health & Sustainable Development 2022 (ICSWS-TOHSD2022)‘ as part of Social Work Month , Social Work Week & Social Work Day – 2022 – Celebrations, Awareness & Campaign.
Date: 13th, 15th and 20th March, 2022.
Venue: Online/Offline/Virtual/Hybrid Mode
Contacts: Email

A Student Conference to coincide with Social Work Day at the UN
Concept Note:
Social work promotes social change, development, cohesion, empowerment, and liberation of people and the planet. This profession’s values and principles revolve around care, ranging from coping with family struggles, advocating for human rights, to changing international policy for environmental justice. Specifically, youth activism has been at the forefront of all efforts of change.
World Social Work Day 2022 at the GENEVA UN
Positioning Social Work in an Eco-Social World: Building New Partnerships and Alliances
Date: 16 Mar 2022
Time: Wednesday from 11:00 to 16:00
Location: Online (Zoom)
Organisers: International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) / School of Social Work, Geneva (HETS-GE) / School of Social Work, Fribourg (HETS-FR) / International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) and United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).
The event is open to international civil servants, social workers, students and interested individuals. Participation is free of charge.
For detailed information, see the Concept note , the Programme and the Speakers BIO
Programme WSWD 2022
World Social Work Day 2022 at Malaysia
The Malaysian Association of Social Workers (MASW) has organized theme ‘Social work and the Family: Co-building a New Eco-Social World’. In celebrating the WSWD2022.
The title of the forum is chosen based on the global theme of WSWD 2022 which is ‘Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind´.
The forum will bring together social workers and professionals from different fields to discuss the current family issues and strategies in strengthening family as an ecosystem in facing contemporary challenges.
Let’s celebrate WSWD 2022 with us!
To participate register HERE
Contact MASW for more details
World Social Work Day 2022 in Japan
The Japanese Federation of Social Workers (JFSW) invites you to the planned Multi-cultural symposium.
Coordinators: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), Immigration services Agency of Japan (ISA) and IFSW Asia Pacific Region
Date: 13th March 2022
Venue: Online
For details: Symposium
contact JFSW
The Romanian Association ASproAS has organised a WEBINR: The role of social workers and social services in social inclusion of displaced people from Ukraine,
Date: March 15, 10.00-11.30
Our event is adapting its content for World Social Care Day.
We will address a problem that has become a priority in Romania: the need for support in the community for displaced people from Ukraine.
As part of this event, ASproAS will launch a support program for social workers and social security services (DAS/SPAS).
Detail: ASproAS
To celebrate on the 15th March Newham Council’s Adult Social Care and Children’s Directorates are jointly hosting a half-day session for social care practitioners. As part of the event we will be hosting speakers represented from a local, national and international level including Newham Council’s Chief Executive, the Chief Social Worker for England and keynote speaker: the Chair of BASW (IFSW member). In addition we will look forward to hearing from our very own frontline social workers and residents reflecting on this year’s theme.
Details: The Newham Event Poster
A day with street families
The Kenya National Association of Social workers Rift Valley Branch has planned to spend the day with street families in Eldoret town as they celebrate the Social work day 2022.
Details and contact: Mail
NASWU with her partners joins the rest of the world in commemorating the World Social Work Day 2022 in Uganda. The focus will be on Climate Change Prevention and Adaptation, Child Participation, Community engagement, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Youth and Women active participation and strengthening social welfare systems as key pillars for Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving
No One Behind.
The British Association of social workers has arranged a series of events ranging from virtual to physical activities in celebrating the World Social work month #WSWD2022 in style.
Details of the events: BASW #WSWD2022
Contact: Web
The IFSW member; French National Association of Social Workers || Association Nationale des Assistants de Service Social publishes a newsletter on #WSWD2022, reflecting on the journey of IFSW.
The newsletter: Spécial journée internationale TS
Contacts: Mail
The Dominican Association of Social Work Professionals (ADOPTRASOC), invites you to the Panel “Public Policies and Childhood: A Look from Social Work”, with the aim of contributing to the reflection on the current situation of children and adolescents in the Dominican Republic, based on the data of the 2019 Household Survey, the Sustainable Development Goals and the actions developed by the state in the field of children.
Day: 29/03/ 2022
Contact: mail
More info:
The Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers (KAPS) Palakkad Chapter announced the Social Work Student Award in memory of Kaja Alathur. This year’s Social Work Student Award went to T. Kishore Lal, a second year graduate student of St. Joseph’s College, Pilathara, Kannur and Anjana Menon, a second year postgraduate student of Jai Bharat College, Perumbavoor, Ernakulam. District Collector Mrinmayi Joshi presented the IAS Award on March 15, 2022 at 10 pm on the occasion of International Social Work Day.
Details: Contact
News on World Social Work Day 2022 for the Asia and the Pacific Region
On 15 March 2022 at the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Bangkok, and online H.E. Mr. Chuti Krairiksh, Minister of Social Development and Human Security presided over the World Social Work Day 2022 for the Asia and the Pacific Region and the ASEAN Social Work Day 2022, under the theme “Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind”.
The Uganda Association share with the global social workers a report on WSWD2022.