Letter to IFSW Members in English
Dear IFSW members thank for responding to our communication on these three applications. Please find below the application form and supporting documents from each of the applicants:
Σύνδεσμος Κοινωνικών Λειτουργών Ελλάδος (The Hellenic Association Social Workers) (Greek)
The Hellenic Association of Social Workers was previously a full member of IFSW but left membership on its own volition for internal reasons. The Association has recently elected a new leadership that is keen to reestablish their Full Membership with IFSW. Greece has many social issues due to the financial crisis and the impact of austerity. Consequently, the Hellenic Association is actively supporting its members who are at the forefront of delivering services without resources.
The IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell, and The European Regional President, Cristina Martins have reviewed the application material and consequently recommend that the applications meets the requirements for full IFSW membership.
Association Haitienne des Travailleurs Sociaux (Haitian Association of Social Workers)
Haiti has many social problems including a lack access to adequate social and health protection system and child welfare systems. The social situation became more challenging after the 2010 earthquake and social workers are still assisting people suffering trauma, dis-placement, and the effects of human trafficking and general poverty. The Association Haitienne des Travailleurs Sociaux (AHATRAS) has set standards for professional social work to meet these changes and now seeks to join IFSW as a full member to learn, share information and participate in IFSW policies and activity developments
AHATRAS is the only professional body representing social workers Haiti. It was founded in 2010 and comprises 25 full members that meet the professional standards and requirements to act as a social worker. AHATRAS is democratic body that has an elected executive and officers.
The IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell, and The Latin American and Caribbean Regional President, Silvana Martinz have reviewed the application material and consequently recommend that the applications meets the requirements for full IFSW membership.
Links to:
Presentation (English) Coming…
Asociación de Trabajadores Sociales de Panamá (Panama Association of Social Workers)
The Asociación de Trabajadores Sociales de Panamá was founded in 1952. It is the only national organisation representing social workers and comprises 400 members.The IFSW Secretary-General, Rory Truell, and The Latin American and Caribbean Regional President, Silvana Martinz have reviewed the application material and consequently recommend that the applications meets the requirements for full IFSW membership.