III Webinar COVID-19 social work response in Africa: Transformational leadership in Emergency.
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IFSW Africa is excited to announce that Dr. Esther Utjiua Muinjangue , Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services in Namibia will participate in the III IFSW Africa webinar that will focus on the experiences of social workers in a leadership position during the covid-19 crisis. Dr. Esther Utjiua Muinjangue is a social worker by profession who began her professional career as a social worker with more than 20 years’ experience in the field of social work practice. She chose very early on, to follow a path that will set her apart at a time when there were basically two professions for girls, nursing or teaching, she decided to go for social work, she said “I had no clue what social work was all about, but I decided to go for it”. She has Worked for more than ten years as a social worker for the Ministry of Health and Social Services, with specific interest in the area of family and child care.
Dr. Noel Muridzo, IFSW Africa President says “The contribution of Dr. Esther Utjiua Muinjangue to this webinar will help raise the profile of the social work profession in our region. We believe that could be our champion even as we seek to open doors of influence to effect change and policy influence on how regional bodies such as the AU, SADC, ECOWAS perceive our profession. Currently, even social workers have got much to offer to the COVID-19 response, most governments in Africa have merely relegated social workers to the periphery.
Dr. Esther Utjiua Muinjangue is a leader of a political party, the National Unity Democratic Organization (NUDO) making her the first woman leader of a political party in Namibia since independence. She was the first female presidential candidate running for Presidential office in the 2019 Namibian Presidential Elections. Dr. Muinjangue was in March, 2020 appointed to the Executive branch of the State as deputy minister of Health and Social Services by the Republican President of Namibia.
She has for a long time been advocating for social workers’ role in many aspects of people’s lives and at different levels.
Together with Dr. Esther Utjiua Muinjangue, IFSW Secretary General, Rory Truell, and IFSW Africa Region President- Noel Muridzo will contribute to the discussions.
The webinar will be hosted on Wednesday 20th May 2020 from 5 PM to about 7:30 PM Namibian time and will Live stream on IFSW Facebook. People will be able to ask questions and send in their comments.