In the face of Covid-19, IFSW, together with a number of international advisors and contributors, including the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, International Social Service and UNHCR, has developed an innovative free training course. This new, free, 3-4 hour online course is now available to anyone with a responsibility for responding to the protection and care of children. It will explore adapting child protection case management services during COVID-19 pandemic and starts 29 June 2020.
Dr. Kathy Wehrmann, IFSW Corona Virus Response Officer, is a member of the taskforce of this Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). She says: “It is important that during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a collective response from child protection social workers alongside all other relevant service providers. Such a response ensures children’s needs are addressed holistically. It is also important we understand how we might need to adapt our practices in response to the changing situation because of the pandemic.”
Dr. Pascal Rudin, IFSW Representative to the United Nations, advocates for the rights of children at the UN in Geneva. He says: “Infectious diseases like Covid-19 can disrupt the environments in which children grow and develop. This can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. In turn, it also affects those working to protect children. I am delighted that we can launch this important MOOC that will help social workers to strengthen their knowledge and to adapt their responses to a fast changing environment.”
Backed by leading international humanitarian and children’s rights organisations, the course is informed by the expertise and experience of young people, professionals, volunteers, and academics. Learners will be able to share ideas and examples of practice with others across the world.
The course is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.