Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: 4th Report




Strengthening recognition of the importance of human relationships is the fourth pillar of The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development.  The significance of human relationships is central to social work values and at the heart of practice, whether direct work with individuals, engagement with communities or macro-social work with politicians and policy makers.  This theme is not a new concept for social work but many in practice and in the literature talk about ‘rediscovering’ relationship-based social work.  This is in part a reaction to the impact of ‘managerialism’ on social work agencies, sometimes putting money before people, but also reflects a wish to rebuild human relationships after the pain of the pandemic lockdowns.

This is the fourth of a series of four connected reports on The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development from IASSW, ICSW and IFSW.  It presents the findings of five Regional Observatories that have examined social work and social development practice around the world.  These observations are set in the context of social, political and economic realities of 2018-2020 and were mainly collated before the full impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

This report is the last in the series covering 2010-2020 so it also includes reflection on the global impact of The Global Agenda on social work practice, research and organisation as well as on our associations, schools of social work and policy environments.

David N Jones

Foreword p.III
Prefacio p.V
Executive summary p.VIII

Chapter 1 Global Overview p.1
Chapter 2 Africa p.41
Chapter 3 Asia Pacific p.65
Chapter 4 Europe p.93
Chapter 5A América Latina y el Caribe p.141
Chapter 5B Latin America and the Caribbean p.202
Chapter 6 North America p.261
Chapter 7 Evaluating the first decade of The Global Agenda p.302
Chapter p.8
Looking Forward p.331

Appendix I: The Partner Organisations p.336
Appendix II Selected United Nations Conventions and other Instruments relevant to this theme p.337
Appendix III Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: the Commitments p.342
Appendix IV: Agenda Coordinators p.351

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Paperback, PDF