Dear All,
Thanks for your support! In Italy the situation is so difficult! I live in the red zone, in the north of Italy, one of the most important virus outbreak: now there are not masks for people and not masks in hospital for sanitary personal, there aren’t beds disponibility in intensive therapies. Now the hopitals are infected, doctors, sanitary personal. The hospitals blocked the operating rooms, discharge patient from all departimens to free places for patient with Corona virus!
The Prime Minster Mario Conte write more dispositions: stop industrieswork, stop schools, the people must stay at home, public offices are open but the most of dipendente must work by smart working, at home, alot of municipalities cloused! It’s so much difficult for socialworkers.
In this day there is an other emergency in hospitals becouse finished the blood for transfusions, but now someone go for donation. The priority emergency are the sanitary musks, becouse are finished in Italy and there are a lot of purchase scams, the government is in difficult to buy them and sanitary gloves and saanitary suits.
The some airports cloused, the flight companies don’t won’t to fly in Italy! We are isolated.
There are problems becouse social workers must work but don’t have sanitary protections:mask, gloves and disinfections becouse there isn’t in farmachy or in shops. Cloused cinema, feathers, gyms, no manifestations, no schools, etc…..
The people’s can’t meet others people, every one must stay alone to stop the diffusion of virus. It’s possible we arrive to curfew. The problems is food and medicines for the holder who are alone or the handicap alone peoples, for minimally needs. We need sanitary masks with filter for sanirary workers and for all thepeoples. We are in difficult, the infections go on and the number of people infected and died increase. We need masks with filter ffp1,ffp2, ffp3 if any country can donation to Italy please.
I hope this emergency finish early!! Thanks a lot for your attention.
Best regards
Paola Pontarollo
President, Italian Association of Social Workers