“The Role of Social Workers across ASEAN Countries in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic”. Jakarta, May 20th 2020
According to John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html) on May 20, 2020, there are 188 that are currently confronting coronavirus or covid19 outbreak with 4,897,492 confirmed cases. In Asaean countries, we can see the number is increasing in some countries, including Indonesia.
As of today, May 20th, 2020, there are 18,496 confirmed cases in Indonesia, with 1,221 died and 4467 recovered (source: https://www.covid19.go.id/). As you all might have known, the impacts of Covid19 has affected our community individually and at large, either in their economy, social, psychosocial, education, protection, and off course health.
The government has been working hard and collaboratively in response to covid 19, including the Ministry of Social Affaires. One of the role that is taken by Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) Republic of Indonesia in responding to COVID-19 is to develop international collaboration that can be opportunity for exchanging knowledge and support the measures in response to Covid-19 in Indonesia. Thus, it is now required to deliver information related to international supports in response to COVID-19 impacts for social welfare development actors. Therefore, KPSI, MOSA, IPSPI, Save the Children, and Asean Secretariat collaborated in conducting this Webinar.
There are 657 people registered (419 female and 238 male) from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, United States, and Vietnam.
The opening remarks delivered by our Chairman of Indonesian Association of Social Worker (IPSPI), Drs. Widodo Suhartoyo, M.Si and also Chairman of Indonesian Consortium of Social Work, Drs, Toto Utomo, B.S. M.Si.
Before starting twith the panelist, we shared our sincere condolences to the loss of our social worker colleague from Cambodia, Dr. Leanghoin Hoy. Having many years of experiences in social work, Dr. Leanghoin Hoy and his team have worked well towards developing the community by supporting children and their families, providing education and addressing key issues within the community. May Dr. Leanghoin Hoy Rests in Peace.
The first panelist started with Mr. Teoh Ai Hua, MA, a Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy, Universiti Utara Malaysia. His presentation was about the roles of social workers in Malaysia in response to COVID-19 Pandemic.
The first panelist started with Mr. Teoh Ai Hua, MA, a Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy, Universiti Utara Malaysia. His presentation was about the roles of social workers in Malaysia in response to COVID-19 Pandemic. Mr. Teoh shared that in Malaysia, social workers provide food and essential items delivery to people in quarantine, create orange jacket movement, provide Psychosocial First Aid services for health workers in the hospitals, set up hotlines and remote counseling, conduct fundraising and share various essential information through social media.
The second panelist was Ms. JOWIMA ANG-REYES, RSW, MSW, PhD, asst Professor and college secretary of CSWCD University of the Phillipines, Board Member, Asia Pacific Association for Social Work Education (APASWE). Dr. Jowima shared about the roles of social workers in Philippines in response to COVID-19 Pandemic. In Philippines, some measures have been taken such as available services provided by medical social workers (AMSWPI); distribution of Social Amelioration Program (SAP) monitored by DSWD; information dissemination by academia to improve knowledge and skills for students, faculty, staff, etc; some actions conducted by Child and Women Protection Sector to combat violence against children and women; and also services provided for elderly, people with disability; and additional services implemented by religious, NGOs and other endeavors.
Our third panelist was Mr. Do Van Trai, MScSW, a lecturer at Social Work Faculty, University of Labor and Social Affairs Vietnam. He presented the roles of social workers in Vietnam in responding COVID-19. In Vietnam, social workers roles are as communicator for the community, mobilizing worker to help people comply with social distancing regulations, administrator in conducting assessment provide allowance to the community, and trainer. Among many activities that have been conducted by the government of Vietnam, one that impressive is having ATM rice to support the community.
Our last panelist was DR. Rara Endah Sulistyaningsih, MSi, or known as DR. Susi, Deputy Director of International Cooperation at Planning Bureau Ministry of Social Affairs and Head of Internal Affairs, Indonesia Association of Professional Social Worker. DR. Susi shared about the roles of Indonesian social workers in response to COVID-19. DR. Susi presented that social work responses in Indonesia are established task force & developed clear – detail response plans, being part of the cross professions team in developing Guideline of Mental Health & Psychosocial Support under the coordination of Ministry of Health, and developed Guidelines of Social Work Practices in Response to COVID-19. Additionally, there are also some social campaign activities, webinars in national and international series.
Aside from questions, we also received many appreciations from participants across ASEAN countries. During question and answer session, we highlighted that the Coronavirus is something new to every one of us and we are in this moment together. From this webinar, we have learned some COVID-19 respond measures that currently conducted by social workers in ASEAN countries. In doing so, it is important to take care our wellbeing first to be able to deliver good social work services during this pandemic. Additionally, it is equally important to have paradigm shift to help us well adapting to this pandemic, create some accessible ICT and allocate budget for quality social services.
The webinar is closed by Mrs. Miryam Nainggolan, Psi, MSW as the Secretary General Indonesian Consortium of Social Work and Social Work Ethics Board of Indonesian Association of Social Worker.
Having abundance of interest to this international webinar series, we are planning to conduct another on in June 2020.